Morning Tubs: Shapes to build and create with, Tic-Tac-Toe/Puzzles, Legos, Coloring and Puppets
Writing: This week in writing we learned about what writers do: think of a topic, picture it in their head and then draw their pictures. We also made a chart on 3-Star Coloring to help us take our time and do our best. We also had a lesson on how they are their own boss of their writing--they can decide if they're going to add to their piece or start a new one. We do shares at the end of writing on our stage! We also will use a motto we learned for the remainder of the year "when we're done we've just begun!" What else can we add? Can I put words or labels? Can I add details?...
Reading: This week's lessons were: "We can look, we can think, we can read, we can learn!" We were introduced to learn-about-the-world books (non-fiction) and storybooks (fiction). We also discussed concepts of print: starting with the cover, flipping and looking at each page. We practiced private reading (independently) and partner reading--sitting elbow/to knee book in the middle.
Math: This week we continued to explore our manipulatives (they LOVED trying to say this!). We also jumped right into math workshop and did stations after our whole group lessons to practice our math skills. Before going off to stations each day, we looked over our "what a mathematician looks like" as a reminder!

Social Skills: Each day we focused on a different pride word! All throughout their years at Edgar Road this will be common language no matter where they are. I encourage you to talk with your kinder about what this looks like at school and home.
At Home: At home you can practice the Pledge of Allegiance and how we stand respectfully with our right hand on our hearts.
We enjoyed these songs that went along with our PRIDE words:
Reminders: Next week is Jump Start Conferences! I'm looking forward to seeing you all! I have 15 minute time slots, so please be respectful of your time and be here so we can make the most of our time together. No school for students
No school for students next Friday!
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