Fall Fun!

Friday, October 26, 2018 No comments
Morning Exploring: Halloween writing, rain forest sensory table, painting at the easel, "I Like Myself" book learning invitation, Halloween handwriting/pumpkin sight words
Reading: This week we continued working with our reading super powers.  We talked about how super heroes never just use one power, we use lots!  We practiced using pictures to help us decode words, pointer power and sight word power.  We also talked about making our lips get ready to say the first sound we see.
Math: Patterns!  This week we worked with patterns (AB, AAB, ABB, ABC...).  We'll continue pattern work and number sense (teen numbers) activities next week.  
Writing: We continued writing as scientists this week.  We are working hard on using simple sentence starters in our newest book, such as: These are _______.  This leaf is ______.  These look like _______.  After using the sentence starter they should be using their ABC chart to stretch a word out.  We've talked a lot about being brave as an author and taking risks.  If we aren't taking risks we aren't growing as writers! 
Social: This week we revisited our PRIDE words and what it looks/sounds like in different situations--great conversations!  I will give prompts such as "is that in control for our mini-lesson?"  "What would it look like for a mathematician to show Jaguar PRIDE at math stations?"...  We did our first compliment circle and they were all beaming!  They loved hearing nice things and they also loved filling someone else's bucket.  I cannot wait to do it again next week!
Tips for Home: Use PRIDE words at home too!  What does it look like to problem solve, be respectful, in control, determined and empowered at home?  When reading ask your child to help you solve words by: looking at the picture, finding sight (snap words they know)  and stretching sounds out. 
Coming Up: 
*Please sign up for Fall conferences!  (I'll send home a survey soon)--Conference sign up directions are on the PawPrint
*Halloween: We will parade around school at 1:15 and then head outside for an all-school dance party.  For this celebration, the students get in costumes in the classroom this must be something to slip over clothes, they will not be able to leave to change into something.  School policy: no masks, face make-up or anything violent.  It would be a good idea to leave small accessories at home. We'll then come back to the classroom for Fall party fun! Party is over at 2:45.  For any parents attending the party, you may sign your child out in the classroom and take them at that time.  
Apps/Programs in the Class We've Been Using: 

  • In math we've been using a free pattern app: Patterns for Kids-Free
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga is on YouTube and a favorite by the class!  It goes along with themes or stories 
  • Mrs. Honeybee's Classroom (YouTube) mindful breathing/stories
  • Peace Out Guided Relaxation (YouTube)
  • Jack Hartmann has wonderful (yes, a bit silly!) videos for math and literacy for various levels

Going Batty...

Friday, October 19, 2018 No comments
Morning Tubs: Bats!  Creepy Crawlers at the sensory table, math games (more/less), monster eyes learning invitation "How many eyes?" color by number (they LOVE these!)d
Reading: We are SUPER READERS!!!  Here's our powers:

  • Pointer powers (each word gets one tap)
  • Snap word power (finding sight words)
  • Reread power 
  • Partner power
  • Picture power (using pictures to decide on words)Learn With Homer

Math: This week we started exploring patterns!  In math stations we did Moose Math and a RekenRak app, teen number station, exploring patterns, counting jar (1:1 counting, showing the numeral, put it on a tens frame, show it in tallies--all teen numbers).  Continuing pattern work and teen numbers next week, Monday we'll play a fun game that they'll learn and  can be easily played at home.  Be sure to ask your kinder after school next week to teach you!
Writing: We started our writing like scientist unit this week.  After a nature hunt collecting items we started books to label and create!  We brainstormed words and really have been working hard to be brave and determined in our writer's workshop. 
STEAM: We went batty!  We did lots of fun bat inquiry learning this week and today came to school to find our classroom had transformed to a bat cave!
Social:  I loved this week sharing things that went well in partnerships, what made them happy at recess, someone they enjoyed playing with etc.  A common theme was "I loved playing with ______ because we played nice together and no one was bossy."  We will continue celebrating things that make us feel good and happy.  When they aren't going well we talk about how we can make it better next time!  Mrs. Cocos shared an amazing song that we've started now singing in our class, "It's You I Like"-Mr. Rogers, and we talked about all the words.  It's your kind heart we like, not your clothes/toys/hair... 
Tips for Home: Practice zipping jackets :);  When reading books look for sight words or matching words to pictures!  Target's dollar aisle always has mini-erasers.  These are WONDERFUL!!!  They can use these for counting, creating, showing teen numbers, they spell words with them, make patterns, the options are endless--I highly recommend giving them a try at home and letting your kinder just explore and show what they know! 
Next Thursday is Picture Retake Day!

Weekly Wrap-Up!

Friday, October 12, 2018 No comments
Morning Exploring: Archaeology fun at the sensory table, Playdough/cube/Lego creation challenges, Halloween counters
Writing: We are working on sentence structure and simple sentences.  Capital letter at the beginning, finger space in between words, punctuation at the end.  Next week we'll start a new writing unit, "Writing as Scientists."
Phonics/Word Work: Beginning sounds and stretching words out (looking at CVC-consonant vowel consonant words) we can touch each letter to say the sound, go back and slide our finger under the whole word and say it.  
Reading:This week we finished our first reading unit and celebrated by looking at all the strategies and tools we've learned so far!  I'm so excited to kick off our Super Readers unit next week!
Math: This week in stations and whole group we focused on: joining numbers to make bigger numbers (addition), missing numbers, counting on, teen numbers, number formation and subitizing.  We'll be starting a new unit next week: Patterns, but we'll continue working on number sense (this goes all throughout the year) and really dig into teen numbers in the coming weeks.

Tips for Home: Number talk!  Talk about numbers: "How many?"  "How do you know?"  "How else can you show it?" Count as you do things around the house/car, etc.  Talk about the sequence of a story you read using words like: beginning/middle/end...
Coming Up:It's time for a schedule shake-up!  So much goes into schedule planning and I want to be sure that each part of the day is planned so they can do their best learning.  It will go as follows:
Morning Exploring
Morning Meeting
Reading Workshop
Math Workshop
Play-to-Learn (OR they may still relax/read if they wish)
Writing Workshop
Word Study/Tech Time
Afternoon Snack/Recess
-Picture retake day is next Thursday!Jaguar of the Week 10/22: Jaydon
Mystery Reader Next Friday (10:30am):  Carmen Suarez

Weekly Recap:

Friday, October 5, 2018 No comments
Morning Tubs: This week in morning tubs we used the book Bear Counts as a learning invitation to use our counting bears and popsicle sticks, created letters using Halloween erasers, poetry, spider exploration, community helpers, number puzzles, counting pumpkins and abc puzzles.
Writing: This week we were introduced to speech bubbles!  We explored speech bubbles through the book Pigeon Wants to Stay Up Late (these books are always a big hit)!  These are the things they are trying in writing: adding to pictures with labels, words, sentences and/or speech bubbles.  In small groups we wrote "I like ______" sentences that will be going up in the hallway (stay tuned next week for the finished product pictures).
Reading: This week we focused on tracking words with our fingers/eyes, matching pictures to words and practiced sequencing with our read alouds.
STEAM: Communities and Career week was SO FUN!!!  THANK YOU to all who came in and shared with our kinders.  They truly enjoyed exploring all different occupations.  It was fun to see them being so hands on and invested in exploring.  Seeing them now pretend in play to learn time is the best.
Tips for Home: See if your kinder can identify a small word in a story to match a picture (dog, cat, specific character, etc.)
Coming Up: Next week Burlington Coat Factory will be coming to join us at 1:00 for our play-to-learn (free choice) time.  They are excited to see how we're using our grant items and want to formally present us with a certificate.
Classroom Items We'd Love to Add: Quick Stix to our easel!  These allow for mess free, quick and fun painting!  They have lots of different options, but here's a sample of what they are: Link: http://a.co/d/5TxSsvj