From the Hive, 205

Friday, November 30, 2018 No comments
Morning Exploring: Winter coloring by letter, light table + counting, Tiggly Shapes on iPad, beginning sounds, math racks + counting invitations
Reading: This week we really practiced our reading super powers and focused on how we can become better readers and help ourselves grow.  We talked a lot about being fluent readers: paying attention to punctuation--stop at periods, pause at commas, voice goes up with exclamation points, voice goes up and down with questions; reading smoothly and using strategies.  I individually met with *almost* everyone to fill their book boxes with at least 6 'just right' books that I have read with them and they can read.  These will come home soon in their clear pouch (in BEE Folders) to practice at home.  I will finish this process next week and give a heads up before sending home and when they should be returned. 
Math: Measuring! We had so much fun kicking off this unit.  We used cubes and Popsicle sticks to measure this week and were introduced to vocabulary words. Next week we'll continue measuring and exploring!
Writing: We are continuing to write for readers, making sure everything can be read by someone else.  Our writing should have detailed pictures that use: lots of colors, pictures tell who/what/where, labels, speech bubbles.  We are focusing on sentence structure: using sight words, capitals at the beginning then lowercase, finger spaces between words, punctuation at the end and a thought that makes sense!

STEAM: We read "Building Up, a Celebration of Building" and created some fun stuff with Mr. Keller's buddies today.  Throughout the week in free choice it's fun to see their creations through the maker space, working through problems, redesigning and their final products.  
Social: We've had some great conversations about being a leader and not a follower.  When someone else isn't doing the right thing, we can lead by example and be empowered!  We talked about how it makes us feel good and spreads positivity to others!
Tips for Home: 
-Book talk: Make predictions about the book, try to figure out tricky words by using our strategies
-Play guess my number: give clues and have them ask questions
-Encourage writing by having your kinder help with lists, menus, etc!  


Thursday, November 8, 2018 No comments
Morning Exploring: Fine motor fun, beginning sounds matching, color by sight word, word work or Teach Your Monster to read on the iPad and November QR stories on the iPads. 
Reading: This week we focused on sight words: being able to read and write them.  We looked, read, took a picture in our head, spelled and wrote them in the air.  We practiced using sound power and persistence power.  We discussed how we have lots of powers and when one doesn't work, we find a new one to solve our reading problem!  We tied in determination with this and read "After the Fall."
Math: We continued with pattern work this week.  We learned how to "break the train" figure out in a pattern sequence where the pattern ends and starts repeating, matched numeral cards 0-20 to the correlating tally card, learned about 1-2 patterns, created different patterns and played "what comes next."  (Definitely something fun you can play at home!)
Writing: This week we finished our leaf writing and kicked off our new writing unit: writing for readers.  We discussed the importance of people being able to read our writing, how to write a true story, planning our pages, orally telling our story first and adding very detailed drawings so our readers know where the story took place, who was involved and what happened!  We'll continue these next week.  We will use sentence starters to help us get our thoughts down.
Social: We talked a lot about being thankful, things at home such as: a warm comfy bed, a couch, food, family, friends...they came up with the sweetest ideas!  Continuing working on showing Jaguar PRIDE, being their personal best and being bucket fillers.  These are always ongoing themes throughout our year to build happy, confident, kind and accepting little ones.
Tips for Home: Grab a cup and some small items (Legos, etc.) and have your kinder teach you the game "What Comes Next?"  from our pattern unit (this is where those fabulous mini-erasers from Target dollar aisle come in handy!!  You can also use them for counting, playing games, spelling words, etc.  Lots of fun!
Coming Up: 

  • Conferences are next week!  Please be on time for your slot so we can make the most of our time together.  I'm looking forward to meeting with you all!
  • I am out of the building Tuesday during the day for PLC Leadership Team meeting, Mr. Stahl will be subbing.
  • NO SCHOOL next Friday, 11/16
  • NO SCHOOL 11/21-11/23
Mystery Reader: Kara Merrill
Jaguar of the Week: Faith