Morning Exploring: Construction, gems and letters with pattern pages, tree pieces and bears, racing around numbers and letters with cars and an art activity with dots! Lots of fun was had.
Writing: We worked on oral story telling and made up a group story. Oral story telling is SO important at this age and really helps thcm grow as writers. They continued to tell their story across their fingers planning each page. As a choice they could uses puppets, animals and retell story kits to explore with story telling. We also focused on adding details to pictures and stories!
Reading: We learned that readers can "sound like teachers." Meaning that they can read fluently when reading familiar stories. We used Brown Bear, Brown Bear as our story for the week to use pictures as clues to help us match our words to print. We also created our own Brown Bear books as our first book to add to our book boxes that we'll start next week!
Word Study: We were introduced to vowels this week! We'll be building off this introduction in the coming weeks. We used the song "Apples and Bananas" to check out the different sounds of vowels.
Math: We continued our work with number sense and subitizing through lots of hands on stations: How many ways can you show 1-10?, Tens Frames, Flip and Build, Read, Roll and Cover
Science: We're all about weather! Today we collaborated with Mrs. Cocos' friends to explore shadows. We have some new science materials coming soon that will be an everyday choice during free time to support our science goals.
Social Skills: We continued talking about our "Be the Best YOU" chart and being the boss of ourselves and we also covered tattles vs. reports.
Next Week: We will do NWEA testing next week on the iPads so our mornings Tues-Fri will look different and we'll be doing more center work in one kindergarten room while another group tests. We'll do a baseline for reading and math. Please be sure your kiddo gets a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast!
Ideas for Home: Oral story tell asking for details as you go :)
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