Morning Exploring: 3D creations with toothpicks and marshmallows, Shamrock art, Race to 100, Number practice and +/- learning invitation, rainbow painting
Reading: This week's lessons included: reading like characters (using EXPRESSION), RETELLING (including who/what happened/setting/in sequence order) and FLUENCY (paying attention to punctuation, read like we are talking, and use expression).
Math: We were all about 3D shapes this week! We remembered them by using the saying "they're fat not flat." We looked at attributes like: edges, vertices (they think this is so fancy!) and faces. We'll be finishing our shape unit next week and head into +/-!
Writing: We focused on our how-to writing making sure it has: numbered steps (with sequence words-first, next, then, last), detailed pictures with labels and words to explain each step. We had to reread our work and ask ourselves and partners "Can we follow this?"
STEAM: We worked some more on force and motion focusing on 'work words' like: scrub, grind, lift, scoop, pull, push, wash... We also had our FUN Friday with the theme of Rainbows. We learned the science behind rainbows, created collaborative art, built with rainbow materials, had rainbow math and literacy activities, rainbow sensory bin and did some 'color' mixing science!
Tips For Home: If you use a recipe book to make anything or do something in steps, make a connection to how-to! We're using words like first, next, then, last. Retell stories and read like characters--always fun!
Apps: Bedtime Math: Fun and engaging quick story problems for before bedtime, great for the whole family! Vooks: (See my Instagram post), bring books to life--amazing!
If you have Amazon Music: Mindful Moments For Kids is simply the best. The whole crew loves these! They are very quick mindful activities that have a deep breathing exercise in a fun and kid friendly way! This is a wonderful tool for over excitement, getting in the present moment, angry, sad...all the above! I enjoy doing them with the kids also :)
Social/Emotional: Lots of talk about being pals and appreciating each other as friends. Not as boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes/marriages/best friends...we're all PALS! <3