Morning Exploring: Egg addition, counting on, rhyming words and word families and magic words! So many rich skills packed into fun hands on learning.
Reading: As Avid Readers this week we learned to visualize and think about the story to comprehend better and then moved into non-fiction and learned how to talk like an expert and teach people through our books: fancy new words, facts, etc. instead of just reacting "wow" or "that's cute". Next week we'll get to do a reading workshop in the library and pick topics of choice!
Math: In math workshop we are working hard at subtraction. This is a tricky switch from addition so we'll be focusing on subtraction again next week. I encourage you to naturally add in word problems as you go about your day with your kinder!
Writing: We are starting a new unit next week, this week we wrote in our ABC countdown book each day reflecting on our fun, wrote an opinion piece on Peeps vs. jelly beans and did some word detective work with digraphs (sh, ch, th, ph, wh, ck)!
STEAM: We continued learning about animals and plants and how animals, plants and humans make changes to their environment to make it the best for their survival.
Social: We're using our lessons from our NCADA lessons to focus on teddy bear words and actions instead of porcupine words and actions. We are also working hard to continue being our best with quick transitions, following directions the first time and letting our Jaguar PRIDE shine!
Tips For Home: Book talk! Who's the characters, the sequence, setting, problem/solution?... Also, addition/subtraction naturally in conversation. (Example: "You had eight green beans and ate 3 how many more do you have left to eat?"...
Mon-Green Day!
Tues-Hat Day!
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