Morning Tubs: Water-color painting, light table, letter/number puzzles and activities
Writing: This week in writing we learned that writers label their pictures to help readers know more about their stories. We can hear a sound and use our ABC chart to put a sound on our paper. We also become fancy authors that write actual books!!! We have writing partners that help us when we're stuck on a story. We practiced telling our story plan across 3 fingers to know the order of our story. When we think we're done, we can go back to see if we can add more detail or labels. If so, we can start a new idea! We are writing fiction or non-fiction. Whatever inspires the authors.
Word Study: We're all about names! We've been doing some fun name chants. We're also doing proper letter formation (starting letters from the top) and learning about uppercase/lowercase and letter sounds. We'll continue to grow as readers and writers through our word work.
Reading: Readers can reread to learn more! Pages are connected, we can use the words "and then" to tell what happens from page to page. We can add a pinch of us by sharing our thoughts with partners, "I think..." We're working on building our stamina to be able to private/partner read for longer amounts of time.
Math: Our main focus right now is number recognition and number formation. We do lots of counting during transitions and our stations practice 1:1 and anything/all about exposure to numbers! We're all about subitizing and looking at different ways to make each number. We'll continue with hands on math stations next week building on vocabulary.
Social Skills: We continued focusing on how to show our Jaguar PRIDE but really put extra focus on problem solving, how to express our feelings through an "I message" and practicing self control. We are working hard to sit and be a learner for our 5 minute mini-lessons at the beginning of each workshop throughout the day. This is still a little tricky for us :)
Sight Words: I, a, am, and, the
Coming Up:
-NO SCHOOL tomorrow or Monday!
-I am the ER representative for a district committee and the kindergarten team representative for our Professional Learning Committee (PLC). With that being said, there will be a total of 6 professional development days that I will be out of the building. Please know that on days that I am out, very detailed plans are left to ensure an 'ordinary' kindergarten day goes as usual. Thank you in advance for your understanding! The first two dates I'll be out are 9/12 and 9/26.
Helpful Videos: Letter Sounds Number Formations
Success in our Second Week!
Friday, August 24, 2018
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Morning Tubs: Shapes to build and create with, Tic-Tac-Toe/Puzzles, Legos, Coloring and Puppets
Writing: This week in writing we learned about what writers do: think of a topic, picture it in their head and then draw their pictures. We also made a chart on 3-Star Coloring to help us take our time and do our best. We also had a lesson on how they are their own boss of their writing--they can decide if they're going to add to their piece or start a new one. We do shares at the end of writing on our stage! We also will use a motto we learned for the remainder of the year "when we're done we've just begun!" What else can we add? Can I put words or labels? Can I add details?...
Reading: This week's lessons were: "We can look, we can think, we can read, we can learn!" We were introduced to learn-about-the-world books (non-fiction) and storybooks (fiction). We also discussed concepts of print: starting with the cover, flipping and looking at each page. We practiced private reading (independently) and partner reading--sitting elbow/to knee book in the middle.
Math: This week we continued to explore our manipulatives (they LOVED trying to say this!). We also jumped right into math workshop and did stations after our whole group lessons to practice our math skills. Before going off to stations each day, we looked over our "what a mathematician looks like" as a reminder!

Social Skills: Each day we focused on a different pride word! All throughout their years at Edgar Road this will be common language no matter where they are. I encourage you to talk with your kinder about what this looks like at school and home.
At Home: At home you can practice the Pledge of Allegiance and how we stand respectfully with our right hand on our hearts.
We enjoyed these songs that went along with our PRIDE words:
Reminders: Next week is Jump Start Conferences! I'm looking forward to seeing you all! I have 15 minute time slots, so please be respectful of your time and be here so we can make the most of our time together. No school for students
No school for students next Friday!
Fabulous First Week!
Friday, August 17, 2018
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Routines & Procedures We Learned this Week:
Writing: We read "Rocket Writes a Story" and had an intro to Writer's Workshop starting next week! We talked about how we can tell stories through pictures, words and letters. We also did our first self-portrait and name writing (we'll do this monthly to see changes!).
Math: We had an introduction to Math Workshop. Talked about how we'll do a lesson together and then go off to stations. This week we explored math manipulatives and did some work with #'s 1-8. We'll continue next week looking more at #'s 5-10 and will have stations to support our exploration with manipulatives and number sense.
Social Skills: We were introduced to PRIDE this week! We talked a little about it each day and next week we'll dive into each letter one each day--the whole school will! We talked about problem solving, how to be friends, safe and fun recess games and how to express ourselves in a nice tone of voice when talking to friends. Kindergarten is going to really work a lot with social emotional learning this week so stay tuned as we start diving in more after PRIDE week!
- Morning routine: Move our rock to "here today" in the hallway upon arrival (students will soon start being in charge of attendance!)
- Unpack backpack-Check BEE Folder (if anything is in it put it in Mrs. Eagan basket), but BEE Folder in the basket
- Lunch/water bottle in cubby or make lunch choice
- Hang back pack up
- Find a table spot and explore and create with morning tubs and visit with friends
- Transitions: We use songs to help us move from one thing to the next. Once at the carpet we start our day with a morning song. Throughout the day we do a "brain break" to get our wiggles out. We learned to push our chairs in and be responsible for our materials.
- Community Circle: How we start our day! We use our speaker voice when talking and we are listening to our friends if we don't have the 'talking piece.'
- "Give Me 5!" when this is said we know an adult needs our attention: EYES are watching, EARS are listening, HANDS are free, BODY is still, MOUTH is quiet.
- Bathroom: Use a level '0' voice, one pump of soap, wash hands good, shake them off in the sink, dry with paper towel and get a drink if they wish!
- Relax & Recharge: Put lunch boxes away, get towel/blanket/mat and find the best spot for them and journal or relax. We do yoga after to get us ready for math!
- End of Day: Check mailbox, put papers on the 'keep at home' or 'return to school' side of BEE folder, put lunchbox and folder in backpack
Writing: We read "Rocket Writes a Story" and had an intro to Writer's Workshop starting next week! We talked about how we can tell stories through pictures, words and letters. We also did our first self-portrait and name writing (we'll do this monthly to see changes!).
Math: We had an introduction to Math Workshop. Talked about how we'll do a lesson together and then go off to stations. This week we explored math manipulatives and did some work with #'s 1-8. We'll continue next week looking more at #'s 5-10 and will have stations to support our exploration with manipulatives and number sense.
Social Skills: We were introduced to PRIDE this week! We talked a little about it each day and next week we'll dive into each letter one each day--the whole school will! We talked about problem solving, how to be friends, safe and fun recess games and how to express ourselves in a nice tone of voice when talking to friends. Kindergarten is going to really work a lot with social emotional learning this week so stay tuned as we start diving in more after PRIDE week!
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