Reading: We are SUPER READERS!!! Here's our powers:
- Pointer powers (each word gets one tap)
- Snap word power (finding sight words)
- Reread power
- Partner power
- Picture power (using pictures to decide on words)Learn With Homer
Math: This week we started exploring patterns! In math stations we did Moose Math and a RekenRak app, teen number station, exploring patterns, counting jar (1:1 counting, showing the numeral, put it on a tens frame, show it in tallies--all teen numbers). Continuing pattern work and teen numbers next week, Monday we'll play a fun game that they'll learn and can be easily played at home. Be sure to ask your kinder after school next week to teach you!
Writing: We started our writing like scientist unit this week. After a nature hunt collecting items we started books to label and create! We brainstormed words and really have been working hard to be brave and determined in our writer's workshop.
STEAM: We went batty! We did lots of fun bat inquiry learning this week and today came to school to find our classroom had transformed to a bat cave!
Social: I loved this week sharing things that went well in partnerships, what made them happy at recess, someone they enjoyed playing with etc. A common theme was "I loved playing with ______ because we played nice together and no one was bossy." We will continue celebrating things that make us feel good and happy. When they aren't going well we talk about how we can make it better next time! Mrs. Cocos shared an amazing song that we've started now singing in our class, "It's You I Like"-Mr. Rogers, and we talked about all the words. It's your kind heart we like, not your clothes/toys/hair...
Tips for Home: Practice zipping jackets :); When reading books look for sight words or matching words to pictures! Target's dollar aisle always has mini-erasers. These are WONDERFUL!!! They can use these for counting, creating, showing teen numbers, they spell words with them, make patterns, the options are endless--I highly recommend giving them a try at home and letting your kinder just explore and show what they know!
Next Thursday is Picture Retake Day!
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