Weekly Wrap-Up!

Friday, October 12, 2018
Morning Exploring: Archaeology fun at the sensory table, Playdough/cube/Lego creation challenges, Halloween counters
Writing: We are working on sentence structure and simple sentences.  Capital letter at the beginning, finger space in between words, punctuation at the end.  Next week we'll start a new writing unit, "Writing as Scientists."
Phonics/Word Work: Beginning sounds and stretching words out (looking at CVC-consonant vowel consonant words) we can touch each letter to say the sound, go back and slide our finger under the whole word and say it.  
Reading:This week we finished our first reading unit and celebrated by looking at all the strategies and tools we've learned so far!  I'm so excited to kick off our Super Readers unit next week!
Math: This week in stations and whole group we focused on: joining numbers to make bigger numbers (addition), missing numbers, counting on, teen numbers, number formation and subitizing.  We'll be starting a new unit next week: Patterns, but we'll continue working on number sense (this goes all throughout the year) and really dig into teen numbers in the coming weeks.

Tips for Home: Number talk!  Talk about numbers: "How many?"  "How do you know?"  "How else can you show it?" Count as you do things around the house/car, etc.  Talk about the sequence of a story you read using words like: beginning/middle/end...
Coming Up:It's time for a schedule shake-up!  So much goes into schedule planning and I want to be sure that each part of the day is planned so they can do their best learning.  It will go as follows:
Morning Exploring
Morning Meeting
Reading Workshop
Math Workshop
Play-to-Learn (OR they may still relax/read if they wish)
Writing Workshop
Word Study/Tech Time
Afternoon Snack/Recess
-Picture retake day is next Thursday!Jaguar of the Week 10/22: Jaydon
Mystery Reader Next Friday (10:30am):  Carmen Suarez

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