Morning Exploring: Sight word fine motor, sensory table: winter ice literacy, math fine motor, New Years cut/glue/trace, ABC uppercase order
Reading: New powers: pattern power and being careful to notice when the author changes the pattern in a story, checking for understanding by asking ourselves: Does it make sense? Does it sound right? Does it look right?
Math: Numbers 1-20 what comes before/after, number towers with cubes and dominoes, Moose Math, Racing Bears game (this is an easy and fun game to play and you can find it for free online to print and play at home!--Please let me know if you'd like to borrow ours with supplies and I'd gladly send home), roll 2 dice and record 1-12. We also did subitizing and some fancy vocabulary and skills with math chats (see Instagram).
Writing: We started new true stories this week and focused on using our resources and tools: word wall, stretching words out, using an ABC chart, making sure we have a vowel in our words, blends/digraphs chart and continuing to be sure our sentence structure is correct and we have detailed pictures that tell who/what/where.
Social Skills: We were all about Jaguar PRIDE this week! I really loved the definition of respect that came up in a clip we watched: treating others like they're loved, cared for and important. We've continued to use that language and make it powerful in our classroom. We focused on following directions the FIRST time and actually earned some Friday FUN Free time today from our Classroom BINGO chart. We only earned a square for the whole class showing PRIDE, following directions the first time or me catching kindness!
Coming Up: Next week we'll be NWEA testing and reading level assessing. Please be sure students are getting a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfasts! Health will start next week and we'll have 8 sessions (every Tuesday).
Tips For Home: Give your child a number and asks what comes before/after. Look for sight words, blends, word books you read :)
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