Hip..Hip..HOORAY for the 100th Day!

Friday, January 25, 2019

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Morning Exploring: Super Why phonics/reading on iPads (FABULOUS app I highly recommend!), Identifying larger numbers out of a pair, fine motor math: making winter items with pattern blocks/making 10 icicles on the house, composing/decomposing numbers 2-10 fine motor with gems, hands on building.
Reading: This week in reader's workshop we discussed the importance of comprehending the books we read (tricky for a lot of them to book talk at this age) and using beginning sounds to decode words.  We use the prompt: "Get your mouth ready for the first sound" if we get to an unknown word and then ask our selves: Does it look right?  Does it sound right?  Does it make sense?
Math Workshop: Learned to play "Build it, Change it"--great game for home!  Talked about dissecting a story problem to find out what a question is asking us to do and worked with math tiles to create arrangements of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 to start leading in to composing/decomposing numbers.

Writing: Our focus right now is making sure our writing is "easy to read."  This means we should be double checking our sentence structures, stretch words out, use our word wall for sight words, adding detailed pictures with speech bubbles and labels and making sure it makes sense.  If we find it isn't readable or doesn't make sense we should go back and fix it!
Phonics: We are working with blends/digraphs and beginning/middle/end sounds making sure we use vowels.  I've also introduced "wacky y" (as i/e), bossy r, "ing" and vowel teams just casually through whole group lessons. 
Social Emotional Skills: Problem solving BEFORE involving an adult (especially using our "I messages") and treating everyone with respect.
Tips for Home: Book talk at home: characters, setting, what happened in the begging/middle/end, what was the book mostly about...

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